Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Debunking Some Acne Myths

Acne has been around simple humans walked out from Africa. This has given this common skin condition enough time to develop some of its own myths and old wives tails about what it is and how it occurs. Real Salon Products have put together a short article on the 5 most common myths that surround acne. You can find this informative article below.

Acne: 5 Common Myths
by Real Salon Products

In spite of the fact that the scientific knowledge about acne and its causes has progressed in the last few years, there are still many myths that continue to be held as truth.

Here are the top five myths about acne:

1. Acne is a result of poor hygiene

Acne and skin infections are usually related, which could be part of the reason for this myth. However, because the combination of dead skin cells and sebum which leads to acne breakouts occur under the surface of the skin, they can't simply be washed away.

2. Acne is caused by select foods

Eating greasy foods and chocolate have long been believed to lead to acne, however there's no proof of this. These foods aren't healthy though, and they can lead to other health issues which can further aggravate an existing acne problem.

There are other foods that can aggravate acne problems as well, including milk and foods with high levels of iodine such as seafood. If you're suffering from acne, you should avoid milk and seafood as much as possible.

3. You have to let acne run its course

It's commonly thought that the only way to deal with acne is to let it run its course. This is no longer the case - there are many treatments available to deal with acne. If you're suffering with it, talk to a dermatologist to see if any treatments are available that could help.

4. Acne is a teenage problem

It's certainly true that many, if not most, teenagers deal with acne at some point in their teenage years, it's hardly limited to them. Most people's acne is gone by their early 20's but plenty of people continue to deal with it into their adult years. In fact, some people experience it for the first time as late as their 40's.

5. Sunshine can help acne

Increased exposure to the sun is not a good way to deal with acne. It can cause excess oils in the skin to dry out so it may have short-term benefits, but your skin quickly adapts to the change, negating any benefit. Plus, the sun can cause serious long-term skin damage and could lead to skin cancer, so the risks far outweigh the benefits.

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These tips should help you to learn more about acne and how to treat it. Avoiding some of these myths is a good way to start learning how to actually combat your problem and stop yourself from going down to many blind alleys.

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